Our Thanks To…
The Birmingham Children’s Community Venture (BCCV) wishes to thank the Trusts and Charities who have supported us in the current project of re-building our Hostel. Without their support BCCV would not find itself in the position they are in today with a new building and pupils using it.
Our thanks to:-
- The Roughley Trust
- Baron Davenport Trust
- Lord Austin Trust
- The Garfield Weston
- The Michael March Charitable Trust
- Saintbury Trust
- William Cadbury Charitable Trust
- Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust
- Cash for Kids
- The Henry James Sayer Charity
- The Joseph Hopkins Charity
- The James Fredrick & Ethel Anne Measures Charity
- Birmingham Lord Mayor’s Fund
- The George Henry Collins Trust
- Eveson Charitable Trust
- The Bernard Piggott Trust
- The Leadbeater Charitable Trust
- The Rowlands Charitable Trust