On Wednesday 20th September, Year 2 from Hillstone Primary School set off on their journey to The Brighouse. The highly-anticipated trip (by both students and teachers) helped the children to develop their scientific skills and supported their topic ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.

The children had previously been set to the task of using their investigative skills to help Professor Moss identify a newly discovered creature! The Brighouse helped them to explore a range of living things as they delved into different types of animal habitats. Through carefully planned activities, the children were also able to develop their scientific skills including asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways, observing objects and environments closely, using simple scientific equipment, using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions and finally gathering and recording data to help in answering questions. The visit was highly successful and we were even able to use it as stimulus for our writing lessons back at school.

Please visit our twitter page @hillstoneps to see some more wonderful pictures from our time at The Brighouse.

Children’s Quotes

“I loved going on the nature walk because I saw different animals that I had never saw before like a pheasant!” – Callum-John

“I loved The Brighouse because it made me try new things and I made my family proud by staying over without them.” – Eli

“I liked the campfire best because we stayed up late to sing great songs. It made me feel good.” – Logan

“I couldn’t wait to sleep over at The Brighouse. I felt really grown-up. I even dreamt about it when I came home.” – Maryam

“My favourite thing about The Brighouse was playing with my friends in the woods. I liked playing with the teachers too because I got one of them out!” – Jasmine


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